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Alberta Education Assurance Survey - GRADE 4 PARENTS/GUARDIANS ONLY

Dear Grade 4 Parents/Guardians,

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we invite you to participate in the Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) Survey. This survey is an important tool that helps us celebrate our school’s successes and identify areas for growth.  Each year, Alberta Education gathers feedback from Grade 4 parents, students, and teachers to ensure we are meeting the needs of our school community. Your input plays a vital role in shaping the future of education at St. Patrick School.

Survey Access:
Your random access code can be found in your child’s agenda. Please take a few moments to complete the survey with your child and share your perspective.

Thank you for your time and support in helping us provide the best possible learning experience for our students. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office.

Survey Link:

Information Letter:  AEA Survey (Parent Letter 2025).docx

More Detail:  AEA Parent Survey Questions/Responses

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