
*NEW* December 2024 - Out of School Care Program Information and Registration

Please email to request an Out of School Registration form. 

NEW OSC Fee and Time Scheduling (EFFECTIVE - January, 2025)

The trend of increased student enrollment and OSC registrations over the past few years has increased significantly and has required us to review our OSC program so that we are in compliance with Alberta’s Child Care licensed capacity (115 students) which ensures the safety of our students and staff.  Unfortunately, the capacity limit cannot be adjusted due to available space (gym. Library, and specific classrooms) which is why we must introduce a “Fee Schedule with Session Times” that best supports our OSC program.

OSC Government Subsidy:  For accounting purposes, please let us know if you will be applying for subsidy.

Applicants will require personal tax information and social insurance numbers for the links below.,


This schedule is based on a child attending within a range of 1-5 days each week (prorated over an average week and over the duration of the entire school year).  Although there are some weeks and months with fewer days than others this schedule considers an average week and month over the entire school year. This allows the fee to remain the same price each month.  A reminder that there is NO drop-in price available. Parents MUST commit to between 1-5 days per week on a consistent month-to-month basis for a minimum of 3 months, before any changes are made to the schedule. It is the parents’ right to not utilize all the days they have signed up for, but the fee schedule cannot be prorated for absences not used and any more than what is listed below.  FEES MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE and will be communicated 30 days in advance.  There is an annual registration fee of $20.00 per family which will be billed along with your first month’s fee (waived to current registrations).  In support of programming and staff all fees must be paid by the first of each month.  For those that have already paid the registration fee it will not be charged again.

Confirmation of Registration:  

  1. ALL outstanding balances MUST be paid in order for the new registration to be accepted.  Please check your email to confirm your current balance and connect with for any questions.
  2. ONLINE registrations only which  MUST be completed before Sunday, December 8, 2024
  3. The new fee schedule begins January of 2025.  There will no longer be any monthly email reminders for OSC payments.  All monthly OSC payments MUST be paid on the 1st of each month.  To maintain your placement in the program we no longer can accept late payments
  4. Families will be contacted by email of accepted, or waiting list registrations, by Friday, December 20.  To ensure we can accommodate as many families as possible, spots will be reserved in the order registrations are received.
  5. Alberta Child Care licensing requires registrations completed yearly and whenever there are changes to OSC programs, such as new fees and time session options.
  6. All current registrations MUST complete the new Fee Schedule registration.
  7. There is a $20 charge for any late pickups in support of required adult:child ratio staffing.
  8. A yearly schedule will be created for all block times to ensure sufficient staffing.  Any blocks that exceed our OSC capacity (115) will be reviewed according to consistent times of need and if needed, a lottery draw.
  9. In the new school year (2025-2026), families that are confirmed for this year's OSC program will be grandfathered in for future years while new OSC registrations will be placed on a waiting list.  All families must register every new school year.
  10. Your yearly schedule must remain the same for a minimum of 3 months and any changes must be confirmed 30 days in advance and communicated by email to our OSC coordinator, Tammy Potter (
  11. Any positive balances over $20.00  will be refunded, unless otherwise requested by email to 

Payment Information: Sign up for School Cash Online only.  All fees will be available online for parents to view and make payment by the 1st of every month.  These prices are subject to change with one (1) month’s advance notice, based on enrollment.

For your REFERENCE only:  Monthly Fees and Time Sessions

All blocks

7:00 - 8:55 am

3:20 - 5:30 pm

Early Morning block

7:00 - 8:55 am

Late Morning 

7:45 - 8:55 am

After School Pick up by 4:30 pm

After School up to 

5:30 pm

1 day/week = $70.00

1 day/week = $35.00

1 day/week = $20.00

1 day/week = $35.00

1 day/week = $45.00

2 days/week = $130.00

2 days/week = $70.00

2 days/week = $40.00

2 days/week = $55.00

2 days/week = $85.00

3 days/week = $190.00

3 days/week = $105.00

3 days/week = $60.00

3 days/week = $75.00

3 days/week = $120.00

4 days/week = $245.00

4 days/week = $130.00

4 days/week = $75.00

4 days/week = $90.00

4 days/week = $160.00

5 days/week = $300.00

5 days/week = $155.00

5 days/week = $90.00

5 days/week = $100.00

5 days/week = $200.00