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A Week at a Glance

This year we will be sharing a "Week At a Glance" with parents through PowerSchool emails of weekly school information and activities. In  case you missed it, read below. Many more details can be viewed in our weekly assembly presentation within the link below.  A reminder to please also stay connected to our social media platforms (St. Patrick School and St. Patrick Parent Facebook) and School Google Calendar ( If you have any questions please continue to contact the front office.  

School Google Calendar

Assembly Link



- Assemblies are now at 10:55 am.  This allows students to eat a warm and fresh breakfast provided by the Nutrition program and prioritizes the consistency of morning routine of AR and literacy/numeracy programming.

- ALL parents are encouraged to register for Munch A Lunch today if you're interested in ordering future hot lunches (New Families: and Returning Families:

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday: no information to share

Weekly Faith Message: please take time to have your child share today's assembly message.

"To be understood is to understand.  When we listen and speak we are showing others who we are."

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